okpsych.org - Oklahoma Psychological Association - Home

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M ission :   To   advance   psychology   as  a   science,  profession,   and   as   a   means of   promoting human welfare in Oklahoma by advancing psychology as a science and profession.

  A psychologist works with individuals, families, couples and groups to help them better understand and address emotional, interpersonal and behavioral challenges.  Psychologists use scientific evidence to help people manage situational problems, trauma as well as short and long term emotional needs, chronic pain and serious mental illnesses.  Psychologists have a doctoral degree and are equally educated in their field of specialization as those who specialize in specific medicine (MD, DO), dentistry, opto

Oklahoma has over 600 licensed psychologists and post doctoral students who's education, certifications and clinical and research experience impact the mental health of Oklahomans.  Click here to learn more from our Who's Who Brochure.     

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