Description: OK To Do It provides the training and information you need to do anything and everthing you want to do
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OK To Do It provides the training and information you need to do anything and everything you want to do.
See the List of Articles and List of Courses to find the topics that interest you. Procrastination and Distractions Becoming stalled or worse still unable to start kills your motivation and application. Procrastination really numbs and hurts. You know what you want to do, but somehow you cannot get started or continue. Something else always pops up as a distraction. Perhaps you collapse into a blubbering heap in frustration and disappointment.
It is well known that procrastination significantly decreases our health, how we feel about ourselves, how happy we are, our mood, and in the long-term wealth and well-being. The cure for procrastination is motivation and application. Don't Just Think About It => Just Do It - Now! Motivation can be defined as the desire AND willingness to act and move towards achieving a goal. But, achieving our goals do not necessarily require a well-focused all-in motivation. You can get the big things done effectively, e