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             Old Dominion Bar Association

As President of the Old Dominion Bar Association, I take the mantle of this illustrious organization as its third generation of members seek to achieve the long-held goals of obtaining fair and equitable representation and participation of African American lawyers in every aspect of the bar life and civic engagement in the Commonwealth of Virginia and beyond.   The need for African American attorneys is never more apparent as the society wrestles with challenges to the social fabric and legal underpinnings

To ensure the promises of the civil society for African Americans and others in the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Old Dominion Bar Association has advocated for the full participation of African Americans in the bar and on the bench.    The need for such advocacy and representation has not waned. African Americans comprise 12% of the U.S. population but  comprise less than 4% of the attorneys in private firms and 7 % of the law student population in ABA accredited law schools.   So, the Old Dominion Bar Ass

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