ondexxya.co.uk - Ondexxya®▼ (andexanet alfa) | AstraZeneca

Description: For UK HCPs only | Information about Ondexxya® (andexanet alfa) including approved indications for use in the UK and treatment guidelines

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Prescribing information for Ondexxya ® can be found here: Great Britain | Northern Ireland

Ondexxya ®  (andexanet alfa) has conditional marketing authorisation. This was granted because Ondexxya ® addresses an unmet medical need and the benefit of immediate availability outweighs the risk from less comprehensive data.

Ondexxya ® is a haemostatic agent that is indicated for use in adult patients treated with apixaban or rivaroxaban (factor Xa inhibitors) when anticoagulation reversal is required due to major bleeds. 1,2

Links to ondexxya.co.uk (2)