- One Foundation - a Foundation of the Motel One Group

Description: The One Foundation is a non-profit foundation who promotes the social integration as well as education and training of disadvantaged young people.

education (20094) children (9798) projects (3275) foundation (3172) integration (1865) young people (335) promote (255) education and training (48) one foundation (5) educational projects (5)

Example domain paragraphs

TO HELP YOUNG PEOPLE DETERMINE THEIR OWN LIVES THROUGH EDUCATION AND FUNDING, SHOW THEM OPPORTUNITIES, THAT IS A MATTER CLOSE TO MY HEART. Dieter Müller, Founder and Chairman of the Motel One Group The One Foundation is a non-profit foundation dedicated to equal social and societal opportunity. To that end, our funding projects primarily support young, economically and socially disadvantaged people in order to give them new perspectives. In particular, we help those seeking protection to integrate into soci

CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIMARY SCHOOL IN MALAWI Child poverty is widespread in Malawi due to crop failures, HIV/AIDS and other causes. Many families have no access to educational or healthcare facilities. By building a primary school, we want to make it possible for children to attend school and thus improve their future. Up to 400 children are eagerly awaiting their first day of school, which is planned for the second half of 2020. A great moment for the children!

FREUDBERG SCHULE BERLIN SCHOLARSHIPS At the Freudberg Community School in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, children from a wide range of social groups learn together. The motto here is: Equal opportunity for everyone – regardless of background. In the 2019/20 school year, the One Foundation is supporting five children from disadvantaged families with a scholarship for the coming school years.

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