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as a Service by helping start-ups and established IT companies in their international expansion to new markets with innovative solutions and services through setting up of their own physical presence or by forming partnerships with leading local sales channels in order to enable a fast and successful go-to-market».

encourages you not to spend your time and money on finding best ways, most reliable partners and short cuts to enter new markets. Better find someone who can do it for or with you, someone who have successfully done it in the past. Someone who made all the mistakes. Someone who made wrong investments before making right ones. Someone who lost time and efforts before hitting the jackpot. Instead focus on adapting your offering to the new market, fine-tuning the solutions, localizing the product. ONE IT HUB w

Imagine the savings your company can make by not hiring an International Business Developing Lead and his Team. Savings on numerous business trips of all these people in order to get acquainted with new markets, find local resources, partners. You will not only be spending money, but more importantly time and taking your focus away from what you do best.

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