- One Le Pole Square

Description: One Le Pole Square is a new office building with a historical civic square built for a future of innovation.

office (5102) dublin (1815) one le pole (2)

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Overview Location Lifestyle Building Contact Overview Location Lifestyle Building Contact Your browser does not support this video. MAKE HISTORY IN THE HEART OF THE CITY AVAILABLE Q1 2022 PLAY VIDEO SCROLL DOWN One Le Pole Square is a new office building with a historical civic square built for a future of innovation. Surrounded by iconic cobblestone streets and vibrant parks, this stretch of downtown Dublin is one of the oldest areas in the city. Weaving some of the capital’s medieval past into its story,

WORK, LIVE AND SOCIALISE Ship Street Great is a short walk from George’s Street, near Portobello and Rathmines bringing your talent closer to affordable housing in hip residential neighbourhoods. + LIFESTYLE + LOCATION SITEMAP Overview Location Lifestyle Building Contact Download full brochure CONTACT For further information, please contact our letting agents

Willie Dowling