onisak.si - Digital Portfolio - About me

Description: Digital portfolio

design (76433) web (36002) portfolio (17548) production (8379) flash (3620) digital media (1030) digital photography (795) spletne strani (91) digitalna fotografija (5) damijan onisak (1)

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My name is Damijan Onisak. I was born in Maribor in 1974 and currently live in Limbus. Maribor is well known for world cup skiing, especially the women's Golden fox. Maribor is also well known after the oldest vine in the world and the Lent festival.

I am person ready to help and ready for new challenges. I have always been interested in computers. When the Internet become more and more popular and useful, I discovered what I really want to do. In the beginning I was self-taught. Later, I studied and earned a certificates in »Digital Media Design and Production« and »Web developer« with West Valley College Saratoga USA and IPAK Velenje Slovenia. I am committed to the Internet and to developing and creating websites and web applications. I enjoy learning

If you have any questions, please contact me . Feel free to explore my portfolio site .