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On Mission to Welcome Others Into the Imperfect Fray of Our Lives This is a post I wrote about hospitality for our own Chapel Hill Bible Church.

When I was a little girl, my grandfather said my middle name was “go.” It was a generational thing. He always said the same about my mother, and my grandmother before her. It’s something that’s been true of me, and now I see this “go” gene in the eyes of my two boys. They make plans during afternoon quiet time, finding a backpack in their closet and filling it with a stuffed Dog-Dog and Leopard, trusty blankets, and a storybook Bible—their worldly possessions, neatly zipped up for the moment I tell them it’

We were celebrities and oddities in a rolling caravan. And by rolling, I mean with actual wheels—a double stroller and several wheeled suitcases trailing my husband and I as we careened through an Asian airport with our two boys, ages three and one.

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