ontario.pet - Ontario – Superprémiové krmivo pro psy a kočky

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Whether your  dog or cat  is an international champion, or just a “street mixture or an alley cat”, thanks to  the Ontario food  they can enjoy  health and longer life  without any health complications arising from inadequate and unbalanced diet.

Based on years of experience and with the best nutritional experts we have developed a feed that is in harmony with all the nutritional requirements, does not disturb animal organism and is easy to digest.

Same like us, people, also dogs and cats need quality, balanced diet and sufficient exercise for healthy life. Their diet should be based mainly on high-quality protein, as well as on fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. The correct proportion of those components ensures optimum development, growth, shiny fur and proper functioning of the whole organism and, most importantly – longer and better life. With its ingredients, the feed is adapted to the stage of life of dogs and to their size.