ontarioferns.com - Ontario Ferns - Home Page

Description: Ontario Ferns - Photographs and identification details for Ontario's Ferns

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HOME Find Ferns Identification Find Ferns    Common name    Latin name    French name    Name Search    Genus    Families    Groups    Leaf division    Silhouettes    Glossary    Habitat    Identification    What's not yet    on this site What's New Slideshow Mystery Ferns Booklist Links Sitemap About this site Use of material Privacy Policy   Wildflowers Trees & Shrubs Grasses Mosses Insects Welcome to the Ontario Ferns website Your "online field guide" to Ontario's ferns  

This website is all about ferns that grow in Ontario (Canada). If you're not from Ontario, don't go away! Most of the ferns featured on this website grow elsewhere in eastern North America, and many grow elsewhere in the world.     Christmas Fern ( Polystichum acrostichoides )   Where to go from here   The main body of this site consists of descriptions and photographs of Ontario's  ferns . Look up ferns by Common name , Latin name , French name , Family , Fern Groups , or by how many times the leaves are d

Recommended books about ferns are on the Booklist .

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