Description: OPEF VIRTUAL LEARNING ACADEMY is an Optimus Education Foundation e-learning project designed: to provide online access to teaching and learning resources anywhere, anytime; to provide access to revision questions and answers to adequately prepare students for GCE O&A Level exams;to support teachers, students and parents in Cameroon to improve the quality of teaching and learning and build their equip students with a variety of revision resources, techniques that will appeal to different learni
moodle (14374) bepc (12) opef virtual learning academy for cameroon gce o&a level (1) probatoire & baccalauréat (1)
To take control or ownership of your learning to achieve excellent results in GCE O&A Level exams
We offer experience and expertise on low cost ICTs to Schools, NGOs, government Ministries of Primary and Secondary Education. Contact us for further information.
OPEF ACADEMY is a centre for excellence and innovation in education through e-learning. It is a physical and virtual one-stop shop for all educational resources you need to be successful in the General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE O Level) and General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE A Level) examinations under the auspices of the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board.