Description: Interesting things around the web
Interesting things around the web
Whether it’s something that you’ve wanted to do ever since you were a little boy or girl, or it’s something you decided on during your adult life, you set the goal of writing a children’s book. After spending a great deal of time researching, investigating, reading published children’s books, spending time with members of the age group you wanted to gear your story toward, tons of hours writing, proofreading yourself and working with children’s book proofreaders – way too much coffee, you’ve finally done it
First, let us start by saying congratulations! Writing a children’s book is so rewarding, but after all of your hard work, there’s one more thing that you need to attend to: your author bio. Writing your own author bio can be just as overwhelming and stress-inducing as writing the children’s book itself – especially if you’ve never done it before.