- Port Forwarding Guide

Description: Port Forwarding / Open my IP. This extensive guide lists step by step process to setup port forwarding on your router

port forwarding (10) openmyip (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Type-in your router name in the searchbar at the top of this page to get started

When you move in to a new apartment, you need a new mailbox fixed so you can receive mail and your monthly beauty magazines. Similarly, for your device (Xbox/PS/PC) to receive incoming traffic you will have to create a new port forwarding rule. Port forwarding rule tells the router to send all Minecraft requests to your gaming console and not to your grandma’s iPad.

You can think of a port as a door that a Router uses to allow guests to enter and exit. Now, just like fancy office buildings, a Router has multiple ports, each serving a specific purpose and allowing only related data to enter and exit. You have to tell the router where to send the incoming data for each of these ports, and that is called 'port forwarding'.