- Multimedia codecs and more via one click

Description: Multimedia codecs, NVidia drivers and more via one click install for the current openSUSE.

dvd (5214) multimedia (4616) mp3 (4214) mp4 (643) nvidia (271) divx (91) wmv (46) opensuse (22) x264 (17) x265 (6)

Example domain paragraphs

This page and the content here is provided by members of the openSUSE community. While we welcome the openness and open source base of our favorite distribution, we also want to make the lives of our community easy and smooth: therefor, we provide a simple way to install the needed software which can not be provided directly by openSUSE.

If things don't work after installing the codecs, make sure all your multimedia packages are coming from Packman:

Links to (3)