optimat.co.uk - Optimat - Innovation and Strategy Consultants

Description: Optimat research and strategy consultants. Optimat is one of the leading research and strategy consultancies in Europe. The company works with a wide variety of clients from the business, academic and public sectors to help clients identify and assess investment opportunities, diversify into new markets and build new businesses. Our highly qualified teams of strategy consultants have particular expertise in the areas of economic development, technology commercialisation and business growth.

innovation (8063) sustainability (3556) consultants (2342) market research (1266) knowledge (1194) economic development (732) business growth (600) strategy development (72) strategy consultants (37) technology commercialisation (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Providing companies, academia and public sector organisations with the services they require to make effective decisions on investment, innovation and sustainable business growth. 

Providing detailed research, value-added analysis and strategy formulation. 

Optimat is one of the leading independent innovation and strategy consultancies in Europe. For over 30 years we have been working with a wide variety of clients from the public, private and research sectors across the whole innovation lifecycle including science/innovation policy, evaluation, R&D programmes, innovation infrastructure, technology commercialisation and exploitation, and knowledge transfer.

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