oradeatechhub.ro - Oradea Tech Hub: Home

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Our goal is to help develop the new trend where towns compete with big cities as technological hubs, offering more than just similar opportunities, but a bold community and a better quality of life as well. We aim to transfer know-how and results to the local community through our work, in order to make it more attractive to the national and international tech sectors. We are creating more opportunities and better jobs, and we are building on Oradea’s amazing potential.

It was especially difficult in the beginning, but in the last couple of years, we feel like companies are starting to understand this mission of ours, and more and more of them get involved in developing the ecosystem. I am really proud of the results of our work.

I believe Oradea can become a destination for tech professionals and entrepreneurs thanks to the existing tech core, the mentality and the openness of the community, and the quality of life this city offers.

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