orchidensemble.com - Orchid Ensemble | Chinese music and beyond

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“One of the brightest blossoms on the world music scene”  –  Georgia Straight “Orchid Ensemble   defines the very essence of ‘Canadian music’ “ – Whole Note  “With exceptional musicianship and its flair for experimentation, Orchid Ensemble is bravely bridging musical divides” “Extending and expounding on ancient traditions, … the trio instead tends to extend established forms with improvisational ideas, acute listening skills, a flair for understated drama, and a sharing of sonic tones unheard in this kind

Orchid Ensemble has commissioned Canadian composer Jeffrey Ryan for a new work, with the support of the SOCAN Foundation and private funding. Ryan’s “Noctiluca” will be premiered in the ensemble’s next season.                                                                                         

When sea water that is home to the bioluminescent algae Noctiluca scintillans is disturbed, these micro-organisms produce a blue glow known as “blue tears.” In recent years, in part because of sea waters warming due to climate change and man-made agricultural fertilizers leaching into rivers, there has been an increase in blooms of noctiluca around the world, in particular in the East China Sea and around Taiwan. While the glowing blue water is a stunning natural effect— even a tourist attraction—when the a

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