oregontidepooling.com - Exploring Rocky Shores of Southern Oregon Coast

Description: Exploring the rocky intertidal zone along the Southern Oregon Coast.

starfish (44) intertidal (5) tide-pools (4)

Example domain paragraphs

The purpose of this website is to help identify the unusual intertidal (between the tides) animals that might be discovered when exploring the rocky shores of the southern Oregon coast during a low tide.  I hope the photos and the accompanying descriptions of these animals and a little information about each one of them will encourage you to explore the tide-pools and rocky intertidal areas of this remote southwestern corner of Oregon.

Click on each category (top right sidebar) and scroll down to see the various intertidal species. 

As the tide goes out, water is captured in crevices and holes, creating large and small tide-pool "aquariums." If you keep very still and look closely, you will probably see some very interesting creatures in these unique habitats. The bright orange frilled animals in the photo are Red Sea Cucumbers (Cucumaria miniata) , the purple spikey animals are Purple Sea Urchins (Stronglyocentrotus purpuratus) , and the green flower-like animals are Giant Green Anemones (Anthopleura xanthogrammica) .