- Delicious and healthy chocolate – Organic Africa Chocolate

Description: Organic Africa's chocolate is produced entirely from tree to bar. It is delicious, fresh and healthy. In this way we take care of the communities, the environment and we bring you the best chocolate home.

education (20472) development (16602) organic (5297) africa (3900) environment (3731) entrepreneur (3217) chocolate (1948) farmer (400) sierra leone (102) bean to bar (74)

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F armers can produce more cocoa and get better prices when producing organic.  Our international team is working together with Daniel Scholler, a social entrepreneur who contributes to sustainable development and poverty reduction among small holder organic cocoa farmers in Sierra Leone. His company has trained more that one thousand farmers to become organic producers. Together we bring the organic way of living to West Africa.

“It is in your hands, to make a better world for all who live in it.”

― Nelson Mandela

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