- Organic Bites - Organic International Comfort Food in Miami

Description: Organic Bites is an organic flexible restaurant offering an exclusive, healthy and fresh environment. Located in Miami Upper East Side on Biscayne and 70th.

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Try organic food. Or as your grandmother called it, food

We started thinking about the Organic Bites™ concept in 2008, after finding out thru PETA Organization (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) the kind of treatment that chicken had in the US factory farms. From that time onwards we have searched, studied and concluded, that since the 80’s most of the food in the US is in some way transformed. The inevitable long-term side effects on our health of all these transformations, both genetic and chemical, made us think that we should find a new concept of rest

Our main objective is to bring a pedagogic healthy message to the Miami community and to grow organically along time. We are sure that if anyone studies about the reality of the food industry in the US, they will start to be aware of their health and their choices. There is a clear downtrend of the junk food chains, and we believe that the discussion should be turned not so much on how many calories but how many chemicals our food has. We intend to grow, we intend to invest and to defend our concept, that i