- Beyond Health Food - organically grown products - Beyond Health Food

Description: Beyond Health Food is the leading Serbian distributor of organicaly grown products and leading producer of soy products, spreads and healthy sweets.

organic (5300) producer (4276) distributor (2257) vegetarian (1347) beyond (424) health food (172) spreads (49) macrobiotic (17) healthy sweets (5) soy products (4)

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If you're a vegetarian, you don't have to worry about iron deficiency, as there are excellent plant sources. Here we will list foods that are not only good sources of iron, but are extremely healthy for a number of other reasons.

This legume belongs to probably the healthiest foods that can serve as the basis of daily nutrition. There are different types of lentils (red, green, black), and they are all healthy, with certain specific benefits they bring. There is a lot of research on the benefits of regular lentil consumption, and here we will briefly outline the most important ones.