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Description: PG电子平台协作, 尊重, 开放和多样性是乔治·PG电子游戏的核心价值观. 在此分享的无障碍通知和平等机会(EO)声明反映了我们的愿望,使它成为一个欢迎和包容所有学生的空间, 游客和我们更广泛的社区成员.PG电子平台不以联邦法律禁止的任何理由非法歧视任何人, 哥伦比亚特区人权法案, 或其他适用法律, 包括但不限于, 比赛, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 资深地位, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 遗传信息, 怀孕, 或者家庭或婚姻状况. 这项政策涵盖所有的项目, 服务, 政策, 和大学的程序, 包括接受教育项目和就业.

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While much has changed over 瓦的 200 years, what endures is our never-ending commitment to creating a 更大的PG电子平台.

PG电子游戏 Civic Changemakers  is a free five-week program for middle school students in D.C. Public 学校 to develop skills in civic eng年龄ment that culminates in a project intended to have a positive impact on their community.

瓦的  蜂蜜W. Nashman Center for Civic Eng年龄ment and Public Service  has been offering a version of the Civic Changemaker program for the past six years.  PG电子游戏 interns and leaders, who had three weeks of training prior to meeting with the students, provided mentorship and inspiration to students as they worked on their civic action projects.

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