Description: Oriental Look / Beautiful Women from USA / 80s photos / Retro Photos of Women / Vintage Photos, ORIENTAL IMAGES, PAINTING PORTRAIT WOMAN ORIENTAL PHOTOS, Oriental beauty, Présentation. Scrapbooking. Album photos "Oriental Garden" de Stamperia
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The Orient means the East . It is a traditional designation for anything that belongs to the Eastern world or the Middle East (aka Near East ) or the Far East , in relation to Europe . In English , it is largely a metonym for, and coterminous with, the continent of Asia . In France and other countries of Western Europe, it also denominates the countries of North Africa.
The term "Orient" derives from the Latin word oriens meaning "east" (lit. "rising" < orior " rise"). The use of the word for "rising" to refer to the east (where the sun rises) has analogs from many languages: compare the terms " Levant " (< French levant "rising"), "Vostok" Russian : Восток (< Russian voskhod Russian : восход "sunrise"), " Anatolia " (< Greek anatole ), " mizrahi " in Hebrew ("zriha" meaning sunrise), "sharq" Arabic : شرق (< Arabic yashriq يشرق "rise", shurūq Arabic : شروق "rising"), "
Orienta is an album by The Markko Polo Adventurers released in 1959. The album was produced by Simon Rady, arranged and conducted by Gerald Fried and recorded in stereo in Hollywood, California . The album uses a combination of sound effects and Asian-inspired music to tell humorous vignettes. Its suggestive cover art features a photograph by Murray Laden.