ortrex.com - Ortrex® (Voriconazole 200mg tablets), VORICONAZOLE - ORAL (Ortrex) side effects, medical uses, and drug interactions, Ortrex (vo

Description: ORTREX® (voriconazole) Tablets 200mg Consumer information about the medication VORICONAZOLE - ORAL (Ortrex) includes side effects drug interactions recommended dosages and storage information. Read more about the prescription drug VORICONAZOLE - ORAL. Ortrex - Indication-specific dosing for Ortrex (voriconazole) frequency-based adverse effects comprehensive interactions contraindications pregnancy & lactation schedules and cost information. Fungal infections within the body sometimes occur. You a

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Example domain paragraphs

Ortrex Voriconazole (vor-ih-kon-az-ol) is a medicine which is used in certain types of fungal infections.

The information in this Medicine Guide for Voriconazole varies according to the condition being treated and the particular preparation used.

Ortrex Voriconazole works by killing certain types of fungi. It is used to treat many types of fungal infections.

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