os-76.com - Certification | Osmium Institute UK

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All our osmium products undergo a defined authentication process and come with a certificate of authenticity issued by the Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH (Osmium-Institute Germany) with headquarters in Germany.

Osmium is crystallised exclusively in Switzerland. All first deliveries go to Germany, where the Osmium-Institute Germany authenticates every single piece of osmium with a certificate. Every certificate bears a unique identifier, the Osmium Identification Code (OIC).

The Osmium Identification Code is a combination of letters and numbers, for example K – LM3D – T93G, and is structured as follows: The first letter refers to the article number (K refers to the large round bar), whereas the two following fields contain each a random combination of four letters and numbers which are generated during the authentication process.