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Description: Acquisti & Sostenibilità realizza ogni anno, dal 2007, un unico e specifico Osservatorio sulla Sostenibilità della Supply Chain (OSSC), dedicato a rilevare le pratiche di sostenibilità della catena di fornitura nei rendiconti CSR e di sostenibilità e da altre fonti di informazioni pubbliche delle principali aziende italiane.

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The Sustainable Supply Chain Review What is the “Sustainable Supply Chain Review” The Sustainable Supply Chain Review is a tool dedicated to detect the sustainability practices of the supply chain in the CSR and sustainability reports and other public information sources of the major Italian companies.

If you are a representative of a company included in the SSCR you may wish to integrate the public information that we collect for our analysis and enrich our evaluation through a direct interaction with us.

The Sustainable Supply Chain Review does not stop the day of the results publication but we continue to monitor the CSR Reports published afterwords with a high level review based on the consistent know-how of our experts.

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