other-voices.net - Other Voices

Description: This non-commercial directory lists websites that express dissenting opinions on major social, political and cultural matters.

directory (4745) voices (213) dissent (14)

Example domain paragraphs

Dissent can be defined as active opposition to established public policies or social conventions. The opposition can take various forms, including media campaigns, public protests, and in extreme cases, violent uprisings. Mainstream society often responds to such activities by trying to suppress the dissent.

Many major reform movements of the past have started with the dissent of a small group, or even a single individual. This often arises out of an inherent injustice in the existing order. When the injured person or group speaks out, the established powers may see the protest as a threat to their own privileged position in the society. As a result, in many cases the dissent is quickly crushed. But sometimes the new viewpoint survives and begins to gather support. If it gains enough adherents, what started as

The American revolution against England began as a small activist movement. The anti-slavery movement in the United States also initially represented a minority viewpoint. Other initially small movements which eventually achieved at least partial success include the campaign for a woman's right to vote, the civil rights movement, and the effort to protect endangered species. Many major religions also started out as small movements which were persecuted by majority groups.