otherwise.network - OTHERWISE

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Watch Documentary Full Programme Programme POLYMORPH INTERACTIVE EXHIBITION 29-30.3.2022 OTHERWISE is a collaborative platform that explores the potential of artistic collaborative research to contribute to societal and ecological transformations. We host biannual labs which invite artists, designers, researchers and the public to envision futures beyond human exceptionalism. In our 2021 theme, POLYMORPHIC FUTURES , we are exploring indeterminacy and what it means to be many and none at once.

OTHERWISE is a collaborative platform that explores the potential of artistic collaborative research to contribute to societal and ecological transformations. POLYMORPHIC FUTURES is the theme of this year’s festival edition. We invited a group of artists, designers and researchers who will collectively envision a post-anthropocentric future by deconstructing human-centered hierarchies, questioning the dichotomy between the artificial and the natural, and creating an ever-changing, shape-shifting subjectivit

Polymorphic is that which describes many forms and none at the same time. It is a state of constant transition with any fixed form only being a temporary expression. Our speculative symposium will bring together the common research trajectories.

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