- Ottawa International Food & Book Expo - Salon international de la gastronomie et du livre d'Ottawa

Description: Ottawa International Food and Book Expo features authors, publishers, artisans along with casual dining, desserts, baked goods to gourmet food from Ottawa, across Canada and around the world.

marketing (37415) books (16674) breaking news (2205) crafts (2021) entrepreneurs (1185) authors (928) self-publishing (581) book publishers (70) ottawa international crafts and book expo (1) ottawa international food and book expo (1)

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Register for In-Person or Virtual Exhibitor Booths are still available

Horticulture Building, Lansdowne Park - Downtown Ottawa / Glebe (July 15 and 16, 2023) Rideau Centre (July 8 - 14, 2023) Festival Hours: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Our Office B.P. 24191 300 Eagleson Rd Kanata, Ontario K2M 2C3 Tel: (514) 712-7516 Email: [email protected] [email protected]

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