- Ottomeier Family

Description: Private homepage of Ottomeier Family in Germany

homepage (17408) private (4878) martin (1516) andreas (813) tom (621) barbara (483) philipp (205) silvia (142) grete (5) ottomeier (2)

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Welcome to the private Homepage of Ottomeier family in Germany. This is the English version with reduced information on it. Please visit the German version for more details.

All Ottomeiers in Germany belong to the same family root – although we have no contact to all Ottomeiers here. I assume, that a lot of Ottomeiers all over the world have the same roots as we have, but I did not do a lot of research in genealogy.

Most of our part of the family lives in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is in the West of Germany. Philipp and Martin live in Berlin.