ourrootsgodown.com - Tree Map - #OurRootsGoDown

Description: Honoring the Trees of the Upper Pioneer Valley Meet your tree neighbors and share a story about your trees! The #OurRootsGoDown Tree Map is hosted by Abundance Farm and Congregation B'nai Israel in celebration of the holiday of Tu B'Shvat for 5781 (2021). We are grateful for the work of Tree Northampton and the Northampton Urban Forestry Commission, which is represented in this map.

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Honoring the Trees of the Upper Pioneer Valley

Meet your tree neighbors and share a story about your trees !

The #OurRootsGoDown Tree Map is hosted by Abundance Farm and Congregation B’nai Israel in celebration of the holiday of Tu B’Shvat for 5781 (2021). We are grateful for the work of Tree Northampton and the Northampton Urban Forestry Commission , which is represented in this map.