outlanderfansandcast.com - Outlander Fans & Cast Homepage

Description: Outlander Fans & Cast: Homepage This is our website where we share info on our group, the cast members in our group and various other tidbits and info.

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The group started in 2014 when Peter, the Admin of the group, discovered Outlander - The Series - and liked what he saw very much. : " I felt the world needed some more love and sympathy and Outlander brought just that, at the right moment and with imagery, music, sounds and detail to each and every scene that I had not seen before. It has captured me since and continues to do so. "

Our Facebook group is there to offer a safe haven for all true Outlander addicts to talk about the series and share their love for the story, the series, the actors and cast members. Ever since the start of the group in 2014, we have been welcoming various Outlander series actors and extras whom we all call Cast. We do not differentiate between the size of the role, anyone in the series is a cast member in our views.

The group is quite unique in the sense that both fans as well as cast members visit the group and feel completely at home there. Over time we have seen various cast members developing a business model around their performances and many of them share their exploits and shenanigans with the members. This website will reference their websites and contributions and may contain advertising for their services.