outof120.com - out of 120

Description: My love letter to film photography

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After years and years of shooting on a large DSLR I started to get really bored with all the options. I found that shooting digital felt temporary and rushed. Instead of constructing beautiful images I was just feverishly snapping. While there is good cause for that type of work, I wanted to slow down. I didn't want the option of taking hundreds of photos to fill up my memory card because that mean I had to sift through all of them when I got back to my computer. There were too many photos, too many process

60 out of 120 My lady. My love. This is Grace. I met Grace through mutual friends and she has been such a light and inspiration in my life. She owns her own business Hello Sleepy Whale where she puts her heart and soul into her designs. She's all about making beautiful and personalized things that are handmade and special. She quit her job as a designer and fearlessly started her own business making the things that she loves and I couldn't be more inspired by her. She also has amazing hair and if you ever n

1 out of 120