outofpatients.com - Out of Patients with Matthew Zachary | Podcast on Spotify

Description: Listen to Out of Patients with Matthew Zachary on Spotify. Out of Patients is a no-BS podcast about making healthcare suck less for everyone. Join award-winning host Matthew Zachary each week as he and his guests sardonically deconstruct all the shenanigans in terms normal humans can understand, along with a healthy dose of 80s nostalgia and random pop culture references. So strap in, and let's all make the system less horrible; because advocacy is the only thing that's ever changed anything.

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Out of Patients is a no-BS podcast about making healthcare suck less for everyone. Join award-winning host Matthew Zachary each week as he and his guests sardonically deconstruct all the shenanigans in terms normal humans can understand, along with a healthy dose of 80s nostalgia and random pop culture references. So strap in, and let's all make the system less horrible; because advocacy is the only thing that's ever changed anything.

"Time To Screen" with the Community Oncology Alliance (COA)

This ad-free episode of Out of Patients is made possible by the Community Oncology Alliance (COA), a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating for community oncology practices and, most importantly, the patients they serve. COA is the only organization dedicated solely to community oncology, where most Americans with cancer receive treatment. Learn more at https://timetoscreen.org. In today's episode, Matthew is joined by Debra Patt, M.D., Ph.D., MBA, a practicing oncologist and breast cancer specialis