outsourcedpharma.com - Outsourced Pharma, Contract Pharmaceutical, CRO, CMO, Pharmaceutical Drug Development Services

Description: Outsourced Pharma, Contract Pharmaceutical, CRO, CMO, Pharmaceutical Drug Development Services

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Even the best platforms and technologies don’t come out of universities IND-ready. Just ask Coeptis Therapeutics, which recently licensed the novel CAR-T platform, SNAP-CAR, from the University of Pittsburgh. I spoke with Coeptis’ CEO, Dave Mehalick, and VP of operations, Dan Yerace, about this licensing agreement and the growing pains to expect when preparing a new platform for an IND.

Antibody library technologies enable the screening and identification of antibodies with desired properties (such as high affinity and specificity) for a wide range of targets, including proteins, peptides, small molecules, and even complex cellular structures. Here are the key emerging trends.

To begin an initial communication with stakeholders, the FDA has released two discussion papers for consideration: Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Development of Drug and Biological Products and Artificial Intelligence in Drug Manufacturing . In them, the agency identifies current and potential areas for AI adoption as well as key questions that the FDA is requesting input on. The deadline for public comments is August 9, 2023.

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