overdressedthebook.com - Elizabeth L. Cline

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A new report on misinformation in fashion by Elizabeth L. Cline and Marzia Lanfranchi on behalf of the Transformers Foundation claims that figures have been wrongly rattled off on how much water a cotton T-shirt or jacket takes (not thousands of liters), and to what degree cotton is doused in pesticides and insecticides (the report advised against using outdated sales data to account for use). Even calling cotton “water-thirsty” is misleading without context, given the crop is grown in many water-stressed r

Fashion has a #misinformation problem. Inaccurate and outdated figures are widely shared, as is data without any context. Transformers Foundation annual deep dive report, “Cotton: A Case Study In Misinformation,” aims to equip #fashion professionals with the tools they need to build critical #data consumption in fashion and eradicate misleading claims. It is crucial for industries and society to understand the best available data and context, so that best practices can be developed and implemented, industri

The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) and the Transformers Foundation have released a ground-breaking new report calling on the whole fashion industry to rally around better, clearer data to enable responsible, credible sustainability claims.