overtureframework.org - Overture

cfd (565) object oriented (56) electromagnetics (21) overture (17) solid mechanics (8) pdes (6) fluid structure interaction (2) compressible flow (1) incompressible flow (1) detonations (1)

Example domain paragraphs

An Object-Oriented Toolkit for Solving Partial Differential Equations in Complex Geometry

Flow past rotating blades (vorticity) (Cgins).

Overture is an object-oriented code framework for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). It provides a portable, flexible software development environment for applications that involve the simulation of physical processes in complex moving geometry . It is implemented as a collection of C++ libraries that enable the use of finite difference and finite volume methods at a level that hides the details of the associated data structures. Overture is designed for solving problems on a structured grid or

Links to overtureframework.org (1)