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The PAC offers high caliber arbitration services and advanced digital infrastructure and will soon offer modern physical facilities as well as a variety of related professional services.

In December 2017, the Próspera ZEDE, which is based in Roatán, Bay Islands, Republic of Honduras, became the first Zone of Employment and Economic Development (Zona de Empleo y Desarrollo Económico) (“ZEDE”) officially authorized by the Government of Honduras pursuant to constitutional reform and the Organic Law. In late 2019, the Próspera ZEDE, through its general services provider, contracted the PAC as the default arbitration services provider for the Próspera ZEDE required by the Organic Law. As a resul

Its historic role as the first default arbitration services provider pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras and the Organic Law also positions the PAC to resolve disputes in current and future special economic zones in Central America. In due course, the PAC expects to provide arbitration services to individuals and companies involved in disputes throughout Latin America and around the world, leveraging international accords, such as the New York and Panama Conventions, to ensure enforceme

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