- JABSOM-Pacific Cancer Programs | John A. Burns School of Medicine

Description: Pacific Cancer Programs website detailing the work of the Pacific Cancer Programs, The Cancer Council of the Pacific Islands (CCPI) as well as cancer data from the U.S. Pacific.

cancer (3398) telehealth (754) pacific (463) cancer registry (4) usapi (1) uspaij (1) pacific cancer (1)

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The islands of the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands (USAPI) are scattered across the immense Pacific Ocean north and south of the equator spanning one million square miles and five time zones that include the international dateline. Each of the USAPI jurisdictions and territories is rich in culture, history and language, but small in population. The islands are fragile and diverse but have a long past offering plentiful, sustainable eco-systems that supported their indigenous populations.

While the economic, health and political environment of the ten USAPI jurisdiction and territories are related, each island nation has its own unique strengths as well as challenges. The current health infrastructure in the USAPI suffers from severe resource limitations. Health status indicators demonstrate significant disparities for almost all non-communicable diseases, including most cancers. Factors influencing policy issues, political relationships, the economy, the environment, diverse cultures, stres

One of the most dramatic illustrations of the severe resource limitations in the USAPI that contribute to health disparities is the per capita total health expenditure. Significant variations occur even between the ten jurisdictions. When compared to the United States the difference is enormous.