Description: Dive into the pacific chain. A new kind of blockchain solution keeping developers in mind. Create cutting edge, scalable and secure applications across multiple domains.
.net (13756) developer (8983) cloud (8616) java (6339) open source (4644) ethereum (4184) python (4147) go (2073) script (1450) block chain (79)
This new distributed ledger is based on principles of faster trasaction, distributed data storage, smart consensus on top of existing features of transparency, immutability and security
A faster and safer algorithm for consensus where miner nodes take the benefit of approving block of transactions and add to the master chain. The system automatically scales up to the raising needs of high volumes or high value. This is done like how waves of a ocean lash to the shore.
Distributed and decentralized database with required security allows authorized nodes to perform search, filter and view original data. This makes blockchain enterprise ready where the original data can be retrieved for any legal and compliance purposes in their true form. This data cannot be edited and if edited, other nodes can validate to block the node from being part of network.