- PAEC Outsourcing Services

Description: Supplying Outsourced Structural, Architectural & General Drafting Services to the Australian and New Zealand markets. Our 38 years of combined experience span from Residential & Development, to Commercial & Retail, to Education & Institutional projects.

australia (7858) new zealand (6280) architectural (1672) structural (764) outsourced (84) drafting services (78)

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Supplying Outsourced Structural, Architectural & General Drafting Services to the Australian and

New Zealand markets

Philippine Architecture Engineering & Construction or PAEC, a leading CAD outsourcing company with offices in Manila and Queensland provides structural, architectural & general drafting services to the Australian and New Zealand markets. Today, PAEC has a combined experience spanning nearly 40 years, with over 50+ projects to date, covering Residential & Development, Commercial & Retail, Education & Institutional, and Sports, Recreation & Aquatic developments.