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braids (231) locs (74) c7c7娱乐平台官网入口 (69) sisterlocks (30) twists (22) paige's of beauty sherita paige natural hair care education natural hair styling

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Sherita Paige is the Owner and Chief Styling Specialist at Paige's of Beauty. We specialize in traditional locs, microlocks, Sisterelocks, twists and overall natural hair care education.   We are passionate about all things creative, especially locs. Our desire is to provide services that will leave you feeling and looking beautiful. 

Sherita is a licensed Cosmetologist, Instructor, Certified Sisterlock Consultant and Business Owner with over 13 years of experience in beauty industry. Attendance to continuing education courses and hair shows and related events keep us abreast of the latest trends and newest styling techniques to better serve our clients.

Sherita is a mentor and as an optimist, always hopeful and believing in all of life's endless and positive possibilities. Her personality is what sets her apart and her work ethic clearly indicates that she loves her career!