- Papa Research – Latest Scientific Discoveries

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In any learning process, it is quite common that teachers to come across slow, moderate, and fast learners. In the Outcomes Based Education (OBE) system, it is essential to analyze the learners for types, and engagement in learning and offer them remedial inputs to ensure that each learner attains COs [...]

Designing a suitable assessment tool to identify and analyze learners’ misconceptions, trace learning gaps, report learning levels, evaluate students' performance, and focus on slow and fast learners as well as reinforce teaching and learning processes is a continuous quality improvement process. An aligned appropriate tool can provide realistic information about [...]

In any learning process, it is quite common that teachers to come across slow, moderate, and fast learners. In the Outcomes Based Education (OBE) system, it is essential to analyze the learners for types, and engagement in learning and offer them remedial inputs to ensure that each learner attains COs at the targeted level. Further, analysis of learners leads to […]

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