- Papel & Caneta

Description: Papel & Caneta (Paper & Pen) is a nonprofit collective consisting of leading ad industry creatives, who work with activists to create empathy for overlooked or unfairly judged communities.

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Paper & Caneta ( Paper & Pen ) is a nonprofit collective made up of global leaders and young people from creative agencies all over the world who are tired of waiting for change to happen. By change, we mean a real transformation in the way the advertising industry operates with so much competition. Transformation of the way that people approach social problems, which is often just a reading and talking but with little action.

But this project isn't just moved by courage. It is led and inspired by something so important, yet often forgotten these days: empathy. Because of this, throughout different cities around the world, the project connects with voices and activists that are changing realities so that, through an exercise in empathy and unity, everyone can work together around a table for a few days and create a project to make a positive social impact on the world.

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