- Glenda's Papers, Scissors & Rocks

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Our new challenge at Seize the Birthday , courtesy of Julie , is wheels . After much pondering, I went easy and CAS. I found ferris wheel patterned paper, inked the edges, foiled the sentiment and added some sequins.  I'm really happy with how it turned out - hope you like it too. Thanks for the challenge Julie!

Hey crafty friends! Hope you're enjoying spring or fall where you are. We might FINALLY be getting some warm temperatures here soon - can't wait. There is a joke that Canadians' favourite pastime is talking about the weather... I'm definitely feeling that lately.

This week at Seize the Birthday we are playing with balloons, courtesy of Vicki .  I had many iterations of balloon cards (that look nothing like these) before I settled on the first one. Then I was hunting through some stamps when I across a hot air balloon stamp that I had never used before so decided to make another one. Also found some patterned paper that I had been hoarding (surprise surprise) that suited the balloon well. The patterned paper is sparkly but it's hard to see. One sassy and one whimsica