- Paper Street Theatre Co. | World Class Improv in Victoria BC

Description: The Paper Street Theatre co. is a Victoria BC based improvisational theatre company. Our main focus is improvising so well it looks like theatre. We also teach improv classes and workshops.

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Under the direction of improviser and storyteller Dave Morris, The Paper Street Theatre co. creates improvisation that feels like theatre. By studying great playwrights, and theatrical styles then performing them with no script, our ensemble sets out to change what people often perceive improvisation to be. Some of what we do may be comedy, but first it will be theatre.

Paper Street Theatre has been featured at Festivals around the world, including Vancouver, London, Romania, Amsterdam, and more. They have won multiple awards for their innovative style of improvisation.

That's right, The IMPROVATHON is back! On April 21st - 23rd, Victoria's most courageous (and tireless) improvisers will be improvising for a FULL 50 HOURS to raise money for Paper Street Theatre's next season of completely improvised theatre! Stop by to watch as much improv as you can, or watch online. And if you want to learn some improv, as always we have improv classes running in May and June.

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