- Biene Pilavci - filmmaker

Description: Biene Pilavci - Filmemacherin, Filmmaker, Berlin

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Chronicle of a Revolt - One Year Istanbul participated at the follwoing fetsivals: 2015 20th Festival do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (worldpremier) Dancing Alone participated at the following Festivals: 2015 12th Cronograf Chisinau, Moldavia, best international documentary - won 2014 07th Izmir Ege Üniversitesi Documentary Festival, Turkey 2014 17th Ucan Süpürge Women Festival Ankara, Turkey 2014 06th Ankara TRT Documentary Festival, Turkey 2014 25th I'nat. Filmfestival Ankara, Turkey 2014 16th Eskisehir Fi

1977 Biene Pilavcı has born and grown up near Stuttgart.  Biene's varied early career includes completing an apprenticeship as a painter and decorator, gaining a diploma in marketing and retail business for interior decorators as well as co-founding independent, grass-roots socio-cultural centre Escanda in Asturias while living in Spain for a year, before embarking on her dream and taking up film direction studies at Berlin's prestigious Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie (DFFB).

Biene completes several shorts while studying at dffb, making the acclaimed RISS (THE TEAR) with actors Klaas Heufer-Umlauf and Aylin Tezel. She closes her course in 2012, finishing with a documentary on the power of family cohesion, ALLEINE TANZEN / DANCING ALONE, which sparked off a huge debate in Turkey on domestic violence.