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Park6 were employed by Israeli Film Director Ilan Moskovitch to shoot and edit a short film about ‘Keith’ a pig farmer living in a remote spot in the Black Mountains. The footage included in-depth interviews with Keith and his friends living near Talgarth. The film is a precursor to a larger feature documentary that Ilan is shooting throughout 2020.

‘Diary of the Last Man’ is an original film by Park6. It was screened at multiple festivals throughout the UK and overseas in 2018 and 2019 including in Cardiff (Seren Poetry Festival), London (Caught by the River), the Hay on Wye Literary Festival, the Edge Festival in Solva, Festival No.6 in Portmeirion and the Swansea Fringe. In Jan 2019 it was screened in India as part of the Kerala Literature Festival and at Cymru in The City in Mumbai.

Every project is different. This is something I relish. I work closely with individuals and organisations to draw out the focus of the films they need. My artistic and visual talents can then be put to work capturing high quality footage and editing compelling stories.

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