- Adam Parkzer –

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Adam Parkzer   •   31   •   Las Vegas , USA   •   5'10" (178 cm)   •   152 lbs (69 kg)   •   Korean American Although I am best known for my various public appearances as a personality, I am a busi­ness­man by trade. Pri­ma­ri­ly, I help run cor­po­rate op­er­a­tions at Tem­po , a game de­vel­op­ment studio , mul­ti­me­di­a pro­duc­tion com­pa­ny , and esports fran­chise ; I cur­rent­ly o­ver­see le­gal, fi­nance, and hu­man re­sources ad­min­is­tra­tion. I also pro­vide busi­ness ad­vi­so­ry serv­ices to e

Having formerly been in law enforcement, my main interests include criminology and forensic psychology . In my free time, I like to write, train mixed mar­tial arts , pursue investment opportunities, and de­vel­op new prac­ti­cal skills. I used to be a competitive gamer, but now I just play casually.

The easiest way to get to know me better is to read about INTJs on the Myers-Briggs Type In­di­ca­tor. I'm split between Investigator (Type 5) and Chal­leng­er (Type 8) on the Enneagram . My CliftonStrengths Top 5 are De­lib­er­a­tive, Learner, An­a­lyt­i­cal, A­chiev­er, and Com­pe­ti­tion. I score highest in Well-Being, Self-Control, and Emotional Stability on the SPI-27 . My top per­sonality trait on both the Big Five and HEXACO-PI-R is Con­sci­en­tious­ness.